Keep Electronics (Pty) Ltd Cape Town

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Keep Electronics (Pty) Ltd

Commercial and Domestic Security

Access Control

Intercom Systems

Electric Fencing

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Welcome to Keep Electronics

Established in 1979, formalised in 1990 as Keep Electronics PTY LTD,  Keep has been active in South Africa in the following fields.:

Access Control,  Domestic and Commercial Burglar Alarms, CCTV, Intercom systems, PABX, Biometric and Facial Recognition, Time and Attendance, Nurse Call, gate automation, booms

Specialised supply,  Health Department SLA, Student accommodation security and access systems.  Turn-key projects, system and equipment design, technology pioneering,

We are innovative, highly experienced and enjoy a challenge.

Client Portfolio

City of Cape Town
Western Cape Government
Rabie Property Group
Trafalgar Properties
Lewis & de Kroon
Century City Developers
Steer & Co
Ingenuity Property Investments
South African Defence Force
Sutton Property Services

Agents For

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